Saturday, 10 February 2024

 The eyes have it! The eyes have it!

I was looking through the ‘Is it YZ? Or isn’t it?’ article on the website a couple of days ago and realised that the section on eyes could use a bit of clarification if it’s to be of use to a newcomer thinking of buying into the world of YZ. It lacks the way to recognise a painted eye (as used in most non-YZ pieces).So here are images the two types.

The iris colour of YZ eyes is provided by a layer of coloured glass beneath the black glass of the pupil. Since coloured glass doesn’t discolour, those eyes remain bright and vibrant today, nearly a century after their manufacture.

 Non-YZ eyes though have a painted iris. Over time, that paint tends to degrade, becoming faded and blotchy.

The difference between the two is usually fairly obvious. If the eyes are painted, the piece isn’t YZ, no matter what the seller may tell you.

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